Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Media Activism #7

I attended an event last Tuesday at the Riverside Church in Harlem on the subject of sex education in schools (see here). What caught my eye the most about this event was that Shelby Knox and former Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders would be speaking. That was enough for me to jot it in my calendar. It didn’t occur to me that this event had anything to do with the church. I pictured in my mind a meeting room somewhere inside the church, probably in the basement. Upon arrival, I was really surprised to see that this was an official and well-attended convocation, taking place in the actual church with the backdrop of the dramatic gothic architecture and beautifully ornate details. It was stunning.

It was really very interesting to see Ministers and Rabbis together with the CEO of Planned Parenthood and the Director of Family Planning Advocates all in the same room, speaking on the same issues, and agreeing! I wasn’t familiar with the Riverside Church and I have since found out that they are interdenominational and known as a center for lively political discussion and for the promotion of social justice.

It was so refreshing and encouraging to hear the Minister introduce the CEO of Planned Parenthood with such admiration and respect, making it very clear that he was pro-choice and believed in family planning, using contraception, and comprehensive sex education. I am a little embarrassed to say, but I wasn’t aware that these two worlds could really come together like this. I suppose I am a victim of the media and political influence that makes us believe that Americans are much more polarized than we really are. Everything has to be so black or white and this was definitely a group of gray. We prayed (well, some people prayed), they sang, they quoted the bible, and spoke about God and abortion in the same speeches. It was fascinating and powerful. I hope that these Ministers and Rabbis tour nationwide to speak to churches in other states to let people know that one doesn’t have to sacrifice their religious faith in order to believe in protecting the health of teenagers.


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